◊ Joyce Chen received the NIH-MERIT Award, to support the study on fungus and tumor interaction. More info about the award:
◊ The Chen lab is featured in the Inside-the-Lab series by UChicago News:
◊ Joyce Chen received DoD Idea Development Award, to support the study on pulmonary carcinoid.
◊ Congratulations to Quadri Durojaiye for being awarded with the Quad Undergraduate Research Scholarship, to support his internship in Chen Lab.
◊ Congratulations to Emily Jacobs for being admitted to Ph.D. program at University of Pennsylvania!
◊ Congratulations to Clara Kim for being admitted to Harvard University!
◊ Joyce Chen received the Pilot grant award from Lung Cancer Research Foundation to support the study on small cell lung cancer metastasis.
◊ Abi Thakur and Joyce Chen’s article on “Cancer stem cells and Its Therapy” was published in TheConversation.
◊ Emily Jacobs received the Quad Undergraduate Research Scholarship with Joyce as her mentor, to support her research project on fungal lung infectious disease.
◊ Emily Jacobs received the Jeff Metcalf Fellowship Grant with Joyce as her mentor, to support her research project on the innate immunity of lung infectious disease.
◊ Joyce Chen received Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation (NETRF) Pilot Project Award to support the study on lung carcinoids using cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
◊ Joyce co-chaired IASLC 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer — Tumor Biology and Systems Biology
◊ Welcome the Postdoc Associate Kui Zhang, onboard!
◊ Welcome the Postdoc Associate Abhimanyu Thakur, onboard!
◊ Joyce Chen received Cancer Research Foundation (CRF) Young Investigator Award
◊ Joyce Chen received AACR-KCA (Korean Cancer Association) Young Investigator Award
◊ Joyce Chen attended the BMES 2019 conference, as a session chair of “Tumor Microenvironment”
◊ Joyce Chen joined PME and the Ben May department in September 2020.