*Co-first authors; *Co-senior/corresponding authors
Keskey R, Xiao J, Hyoju S, Lam A, Kim K, Sidebottom A, Zaborin A, Dijkstra A, Meltzer R, Thakur A, Zhang K, Chen HJ, Thewissen R, Zaborina O, Alverdy J. Enterobactin inhibits microbiota-dependent activation of AhR to promote bacterial sepsis in mice. Nature Microbiology. 2025 Jan 8.
A. Thakur*, P. Bezerra, M. S. Durkee, K. Zhang, B. Duan, W. Treptow, J. Huang*, Chen HJ.* . Identification of Nanoparticles and Extracellular Vesicles by Machine Learning . (Submitted)
Thakur A*, Mei S*, Zhang N, Zhang K, Teslakjian B, Lian J, Wu S, Chen B, Solway J, Chen HJ.* Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells: crucial players in respiratory function and airway-nerve communication. Frontier Neuroscience. 2024. 18.
Chen HJ.* Gardner E., Shah Y., Zhang K, Thakur A., Zhang C., Elemento O., Varmus H.,*. Formation of malignant, metastatic small cell lung cancers through overproduction of cMYC protein in TP53 and RB1 depleted pulmonary neuroendocrine cells derived from human embryonic stem cells. eLife. 2024.
Chen HJ. Breathing Down Resistance: Tackling Hypoxia to Overcome Immunotherapy Barriers in Lung Cancer. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2025. 222 (1): e20241581.
Thakur A*, Wei Z*. Chen HJ*. Extracellular vesicles and cell-cell communication in normal cellular processes and cancer. Frontiers Molecular Biosciences. 2023. 10, 2023. (Editorial Article)
A Iyaswamy*, A Thakur*, X Guan, T Fung, S Krishnamoorthi, I Gaurav, X Wang, Z Yang, K Lau, M Wong, K Zhang, Q Lian, R NG, HJ Chen*, M Li*. Fe65 Engineered Neuronal Exosomes Encapsulating Corynoxine-B Ameliorate Cognition and Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease. (co-corresponding author). Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023. 8. 404.
T Kodama, M Kodama, N. Jenkins, N. Copeland, HJ Chen, and Z Wei. Ring Finger Protein 125 Is an Anti-Proliferative Tumor Suppressor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers 2022. 14, 2589.
Lian QZ.*Zhang K, Zhang Z, Duan FY, Guo L, Yang L., …Chen ZW., Chen Y., Chen HJ* Differential Effects of Macrophage Subtypes on SARS-CoV-2 Infection in A Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Model. Nature Communications. 2022. 13: 2028. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29731-5
Thakur A, Johnson A, Jacobs E, Zhang K, Chen J, Wei Z, Lian QZ*, Chen HJ* Energy Sources for Exosome Communications in Cancer Microenvironment. Cancers. 2022. 14. 1698
Ke X, Thakur A, Chen HJ* Transdifferentiation Meets Next-generation Biotechnologies. StemJournal. 2022 vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-11.
Thakur A, Parra D, Motallebnejad P, Brocchi M, Chen HJ*. Exosomes: Small Vesicles with Big Roles in Cancer, Vaccine Development, and Therapeutic. Bioactive Materials. 2022. 10. 281-294
Ma CY, Li C, Zhou X, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Liu HS, Chen HJ, Tse H, Liao C, Lian QZ. Management of adrenoleukodystrophy: From pre-clinical studies to the development of new therapies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2021. 143, 112214.
Thakur A, Ke X, Chen YW, Lian Q*, Chen HJ.* The mini player with diverse functions: extracellular vesicles in stem cell communication, cancer and therapeutics. Protein & Cell. 2021 DOI:10.1007/s13238-021-00863-6
Han YL, Yang L, Duan XH, Duan FY, Nilsson-Payant B., …. Chen HJ.* Schwartz R.* Chen SB.* Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitors using Lung and Colonic Organoids. Nature. 2021. 589. 270-275 (co-corresponding author).
Zhang Z, Guo L, Lu X, Ma CY, Zhang C, Wang XF, Huang L, Liang H, Shao J, Zeng L, Duan F, Li H, Li Le, Li Liu, Chen Pk, Li Cheng, Zhang J, Luo R, Kwan KY, Liu W, Xu Yi, Gu X, Jiang H, Du H, Zhang T, Wu Y, Yu G, Chen J, Liao C, Tse H, Chen ZW, and Chen HJ.* Xia H. * Zhou QZ.* Clinical analysis and pluripotent stem cell-based model reveal possible impacts of ACE2 and lung progenitor cells on infants vulnerable to COVID-19. Theranostics 2021; 11(5):2170-2181. (co-corresponding author)
Zhang Z, Guo L, Li H, Zhang C, Luo R, Chen H.J. , Chen Z., Tse H.*, Xia H.*, Lian Q* Distinct disease severity between children and older adults with COVID-19: Impacts of ACE2 distribution and lung progenitor cells. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021 Jan 3; 1911.
Yang, L., Han YL, et., al. A human pluripotent stem cell-based platform to study SARS-CoV-2 tropism and model virus infection in human cells and organoids. Cell Stem Cell, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.06.015
Poirier, JT., George, J., Owonikoko, TK., Berns, A., Brambilla, E., Byers, L., Carbone, D., Chen, HJ., al. New approaches to small cell lung cancer therapy: from the laboratory to the clinic. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2020. Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020, Pages 520-540
Tian, L, Gao, JH, Garcia1, IM, Chen, HJ., Castaldi, A Chen, YW. Human pluripotent stem cell-derived lung organoids and disease modeling. WIREs developmental biology, 2020, Nov. 3.
Chen, HJ.*†, Paron, A.*, Unni, A., Huang, XL., Elemento, O., Snoeck, H., Varmus, H.†, Generation of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and SCLC-like tumors from human embryonic stem cells Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2019, 216 (3): 674. (Highlighted by JEM insights, “small cell lung cancers made from scratch”)
Chen, HJ. *, Miller, P. *, Shuler, M.L., A Pumpless Body-on-a-chip Model Using Primary Culture of human Intestinal Cells and 3D Culture of Liver Cells. Lab on a Chip, (2018), 18(14):2036-2046. (cover article)
Chen, HJ., Shuler, M.L., Engineering a Bioartificial Human Colon Model Through Decellularization and Recellularization. Cancer Driver Genes. for the book series of Methods Molecular Biology, (2018). Vol. 1907, ISBN: 978-1-4939-8966-9. Springer Nature
Crespo, M., Vilar, E., Tsai, SY., Chang, K., Amin, S., Chen, HJ., Witherspoon, M., Maxfield, FR., Lipkin, S., Evans, T., Chen, SB. Colonic Organoids Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modeling Colorectal Cancer and Drug Testing. Nature Medicine, (2017) 23(7):878-884
Chen, HJ.*, Wei, Z. *, Sun J., Savage, D., Curley, S., Serda, R., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A. †, Shuler, M.L. †, A recellularized human colon model identifies cancer driver genes. Nature Biotechnology, (2016) 34(8):845-51. (article) (article featured in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, and in Cornell Chronicle)
Dickson, I., (drafted by Chen, HJ., and Wei, Z.,) Engineered Colons for cancer research. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, (2016) 13, 500. (report on the above work of the recellularized colon model)
Chen, HJ., Wei, Z., Advancements in Modeling Colorectal Cancer in Rodents. Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (2016) 12 (5): 274–280
Wang, L, Bu, P, Ai, Y, Srinivasan, T, Chen, HJ, Xiang, K, Lipkin, SM, and Shen, X. A long non-coding RNA targets microRNA miR-34a to regulate colon cancer stem cell, asymmetric division. eLife (2016):5: e14620
Bu, P., Wang, L., Chen, KY., Srinivasan, T., Murthy, PK., Tung, KL., Chen, HJ., Ai, Y., King, S., Lipkin, SM., Shen, X., A miR-34a-Numb Feedforward Loop Triggered by Inflammation Regulates Asymmetric Stem Cell Division in Intestine and Colon Cancer. Cell Stem Cell. (2016) 18(2):189-202
Chen, HJ., Sun, J., Huang, Z., Hou, H., Arcilla, M., Rakhilin, N., Joe, D., Choi, J., Gadamsetty, P., Milsom, J., Nandakumar, G., Longman, R., Zhou, X. K., Edwards, R., Chen J., Chen K. Y., Bu, P., Wang, L., Xu, Y., Munroe, R., Abratte, C., Miller, A. D., Gümüş, Z. H., Shuler, M., Nishimura, N., Edelmann, W., Shen, X., and Lipkin, S., M. Comprehensive models of human primary and metastatic colorectal tumors in immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice by chemokine targeting. Nature Biotechnology, (2015) 33, 656-660. (letters) (article featured in Nature, and in Cornell Chronicle)
Bu, P., Wang, L., Chen, KY., Sun, J., Chen, HJ., Witherspoon, M., Rakhilin, N., Gümüş, ZH., Lipkin, SM., Shen, X. miR-1269 Promotes Metastasis and forms a Positive Feedback Loop with TGF-b. Nature Communications. (2015) 6:6879
Schuessler, T., Chan, XY., Chen,HJ., Ji, K., Park, KM., Roshan-Ghias, A., Sethi, P., Thakur, A., Tian, X., Villasante, A., Zervantonakis, I., Moore, N., Nagahara, L., and Kuhn, N., Biomimetic Tissue-Engineered Systems for Advancing Cancer Research: NCI Strategic Workshop Report. Cancer Research. (2014)74(19); 1–5. (authors by alphabetical order)
Bu, P., Chen, KY., Chen, HJ., Wang, L., Walters, J., Shin, YJ., Goerger, JP., Sun, J., Witherspoon, M., Rakhilin, N., Li, J., Yang, H., Milsom, J., Lee, S., Zipfel, W., Jin, MM., Gümüş, ZH., Lipkin, SM., Shen, X. A microRNA miR-34a-regulated bimodal switch targets notch in colon cancer stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. (2013) 2;12(5):602-15.
Chen, HJ., Edwards, R., Tucci, S., Bu, P., Milsom, J., Lee, S., Edelmann, W., Gümüs, ZH., Shen, X., Lipkin, SM., The chemokine receptor 9-chemokine 25 axis suppresses colon cancer invasion and metastasis. Journal of Clinical Investigation. (2012) 122(9):3184–3196. (article featured in Nature-Sciexchange, in Qiagen company blog and in Cornell Chronicle)